STENPROP LIMITED (Registered in Guernsey) (Registration number 64865) BSX share code: STP.BH JSE share code: STP ISIN: GG00BFWMR296 (?Stenprop? or the ?Company?) DEALINGS IN SECURITIES BY DIRECTORS AND BY THE COMPANY SECRETARY Shareholders are advised of the following information relating to the acceptance of nil cost options and market value options awarded on 7 June 2018 under the Stenprop Limited Long Term Incentive Plan (?Long Term Incentive Plan?). The nil cost options will vest on 7 June 2021 subject to certain vesting conditions having been met, including performance targets set by the remuneration committee prior to the awards being made. Assuming that the performance targets are met in full at the end of the performance period, the nil cost options will result in the issue of 1,423,460 shares. The market value options will vest in three tranches on 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2021 and once fully vested will result in the issue of 99 685 shares subject to the payment of the exercise price of #1.10 per share: Name of director: Paul Arenson Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 487 096 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Long Term Incentive Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of director: Patsy Watson Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 468 182 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Long Term Incentive Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of director: Julian Carey Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 468 182 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Long Term Incentive Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of company secretary: Sarah Bellilchi Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Market value options Number of securities: 99 685 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of market value options in terms of the Long Term Incentive Plan Nature and extent of company secretary?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes 2 Shareholders are further advised of the following information relating to the acceptance of nil cost options awarded on 7 June 2018 under the Stenprop Limited Amended Deferred Share Bonus Plan (?Deferred Bonus Plan?). One third of these nil cost options vested immediately, with the second third vesting on 31 March 2019 and the last third vesting on 31 March 2020. Once fully vested, they will result in the issue of 324 321 shares: Name of director: Paul Arenson Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 113 800 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Deferred Bonus Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of director: Patsy Watson Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 109 381 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Deferred Bonus Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of director: Julian Carey Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 82 036 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Deferred Bonus Plan Nature and extent of director?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes Name of company secretary: Sarah Bellilchi Transaction date: 7 June 2018 Class of securities: Nil cost options Number of securities: 19 104 Nature of transaction: Off-market acceptance of nil cost options in terms of the Deferred Bonus Plan Nature and extent of company secretary?s interest: Direct beneficial Clearance to deal received: Yes 11 June 2018 JSE sponsor Java Capital Bermuda Stock Exchange sponsor Ester Securities (Bermuda) Limited