(Incorporated in Bermuda)
(Registration number 47031)
BSX share code: STP.BH JSE share code: STP
ISIN: BMG8465Y1093
(?Stenprop? or ?the Company?)


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 (in terms
of the notice of annual general meeting dispatched to shareholders on 5 August 2015), all resolutions tabled thereat were
passed by the requisite majority of Stenprop shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

    -   total number of Stenprop shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting: 279,720,942; and
    -   total number of Stenprop shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 80,179,821 (being
        28.67% of the total number of shares that could have been voted at the meeting).

Ordinary resolution number 1: To adopt the annual directors? report and audited consolidated financial statements for the
period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 2: The election of Gerald Leissner as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 3: The election of David Brown as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 4: The election of James Keyes as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 5: The election of Paul Arenson as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 6: The election of Patsy Watson as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 7: The election of Neil Marais as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 8: The election of Michael Fienberg as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                              Against                        Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%           0                              8,327, being 0.003%
Ordinary resolution number 9: The election of Stephen Ball as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%          0                                8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 10: The election of Mandy Yachad as a director of the Company

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%          0                                8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 11: The re-appointment of Deloitte LLP as auditors of the Company for the year ending 31 March
2015 and the terms, conditions and fees to be determined by the directors of the Company

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%          0                                8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 12: To authorise a general but restricted authority to issue shares for cash

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       78,498,672, being 97.90%        1,681,149, being 2.09%           8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 13: The amendment of the Bye-Laws of the Company

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       80,179,821, being 100%          0                                8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 14: The adoption of the Amended Share Purchase Plan

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       79,895,506, being 99.65%        284,315, being 0.35%             8,327, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 15: The adoption of the Amended Deferred Share Bonus Plan

Shares*                          For                             Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                       79,895,506, being 99.65%        284,315, being 0.35%             8,327, being 0.003%

Special resolution number 1: The general authority to repurchase shares for cash

Shares*                             For                          Against                          Votes Withheld^
80,179,821                          80,179,821, being 100%       0                                8,327, being 0.003%
*excluding abstentions
^ in relation to total shares in issue

9 September 2015

South African corporate advisor and JSE sponsor
Java Capital

Bermuda Stock Exchange sponsor
Appleby Securities (Bermuda) Ltd.